Hello, hello, dear reader
If this is your first blog post written by yours truly: Welcome, and if you are someone who came back for more: Welcome back! 😊🐙😊
Today I have some mindset-feed for you, and it’s all about self-sabotaging behaviour.
In our journey to unleashing our potential, it’s crucial to navigate the waters of self-sabotage. Self-sabotage can have many root causes and can be done consciously and unconsciously.
Often, when we hinder our own success, there’s a level of low self-esteem, impostor syndrome, or something else that was given to us during our childhood, e.g. “You’ll never make it.” etc.
When identifying and dealing with self-sabotaging behaviour, it is most important to be kind to ourselves. Remember that we are not operated by our conscious mind, but our subconscious. The latter has been strongly programmed with behaviour learned from our environment from the age of 0 to 7, and then we continued to programme it further with every experience we had. Those early years can often be the reason why we step in our own way and hinder ourselves from achieving bigger things.
1. The Procrastination Pitfall
Putting things off that need to be done or are important to you, only to find yourself in a state of not doing it at all, getting stressed because of a deadline, or even missing a deadline/appointment/date etc.
When you find yourself doing this, try to examine the Why behind it. Is it fear of success? Is a voice whispering “Who are you to think you deserve this?”, is there something else blocking you?
Be kind to yourself and detangle what lies underneath. As this takes a while because it’s mindset work, you can simultaneously get into action by starting with very small steps, e.g. seeking an accountability partner, putting reminders in your calendar, and then DOING the task when it pops up etc.
2. The Doubtful Depths
Sometimes, the depths of doubt can be as treacherous as the ocean floor. To conquer this abyss, embrace your natural curiosity and challenge negative thoughts by asking questions.
Are these doubts based on facts?
Where do these doubts come from – are they just a repetition of what someone else said?
Dispel the negativity by first acknowledging it, and then actively challenging it.
3. Comparison Vortex
Getting caught in the vortex of comparison can be draining. Remember, your journey is uniquely yours. Instead of comparing, celebrate others' successes, or when you are not ready to do so yet, ignore them completely. When you have a nemesis who really triggers you badly, block them if possible until you’ve dealt with the Why that makes you feel like that.
Otherwise, take inspiration from their achievements, but let your inner hero (or Kraken) remind you that your path is distinct. Embrace your individuality and navigate your way to success.
Unleashing the Kraken – your inner potential - is about breaking free from self-imposed barriers.
So, dive deep, stay curious, and let the energy within propel you forward!
And speaking of propelling you forward:
Don’t miss out on my new coaching package, that will help you reach a specific goal or outcome in your business:
And with that, my dear reader, I wish you the most A-MA-ZING time as usual.
Yours truly, Heike 🤘🌊🐙🌊🤘