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What is the miracle question – and how to utilize it

Hello and welcome (back)

As I am writing this, I very much feel like a squirrel on drugs. I just was in a meeting with fabulous people, in a very safe space that is for introverts, and we had such a great, brain-feeding discussion going on – it was marvellous!

I love nothing more than food for the brain (ok, maybe real food is right up there as well)!

Why am I sharing this with you? you might wonder, and I can tell you straight away: Because this state of being, that makes your heart and soul sing, is exactly the place where magic happens, and where we can get out of our own brains and get things done.

So, tell me, what amazing thing have you experienced, explored, and adventured into recently? How did it make you feel? And would you love to have more of it?

When you said Yes to the latter, maybe this question might be one for you:

Funny male fairy godmother

If I’d be your fairy godmother, and give you the option to have it all tomorrow morning when you wake up, what would you notice is different? How would you know that you achieved what you wanted to achieve?

Feel free to grab a pen and paper and start scribbling. Or make a vision board, write a story, journal – whatever suits you and makes you happy. Make it as extensive and colourful as you like. What will you feel and hear when you have achieved it? What resources have you used to achieve it? I’ll be waiting here until you are done.

Nice, you are back! How was it? How do you feel?

The above question is one of my favourites in the whole of the coaching tools I have, because it has limitless outcomes, and feels so good. And it has SO many added perks, hasn’t it?

You get clear on what you want and love to do, you can turn this now into an outcome and work towards achieving that outcome. You can manifest it into existence, and hunt down that dream of yours, no matter how big it is. And I know it feels so empowering, and as you feel like that, you can achieve anything that you set your focus on, can’t you?

Freedom pose on top of a mountain

If you dream of leaving a legacy with your business for your kids, you can use this to envision the actual future that you want to have. This is about YOUR dream, and YOUR business, which is unique because you are unique.

It is as simple as that, and it will give you permission to explore, and grow more, and the more you grow and explore, the closer you will get to unleashing your inner wisdom.

Isn’t that a magnificent place to be in?

So, my question to you is: What can you do right now, to get this going? Maybe you can simply make that phone call and speak with that person that could help you, or just order a new notebook that you dedicate to the outcome setting?

Here’s a wee tip for you: Only ever set three smaller goals on your way to the big outcome and navigate the paths to those goals as they come. The more goals you have, and the more strict you get, the more roadblocks you will find along the way, as you are blocking yourself from getting where you want to get. You are literally preparing your own potholes, if you want. 😂

So, have one big outcome, and three smaller ones, how does that sound?

And with that, I will leave you with it for today, and wish you the most A-MA-ZING time.

Yours truly, Heike 🤘🌊🤘


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